
Ways you can enter stock into Swim

You can enter stock into Swim in the following ways:   Electronically: You can enter stock from...

How to add stock items from an Invoice

Entering a new Invoice To enter stock you first need to create an invoice. create a new invoice...

How to add a stock item through Assemble Stock

You can enter a new stock item into Swim (without an invoice) by following the steps below:...

How to enter an electronic supplier stock invoice CSV

To enter stock electronically in swim, just follow the steps below: Go to the Expenses Menu....

How to add a component to a Stock Item

To add a component to an item through an invoice, refer to the knowledgebase article: 01. Adding...

How to add Consignment / Appro / Memo Stock

Consignment, Memo and Appro are treated in Swim the same way. For the details below the word...

How to edit an Invoice

Changing the Invoice Type Once you have selected the type of the invoice and it has been saved,...

Raw Material Quick Guide

Below are a few notes about how raw materials are processed in swim: Most raw material is...

How to include freight in an item's cost price

There is no feature in Swim which will calculate freight into cost price. The reason for this is...

How to remove Quantity Stock from an Invoice

Due to the fact that Quantity stock items share a stock number, removing Quantity stock from an...

How to enter in an invoice for sold consignment (appro) stock

When receiving an invoice for consignment items that you have sold, or already made into stock...


Below is a list of frequently asked questions and scenarios that may occur when entering stock...

Using Supplier barcodes when entering stock

Some suppliers use barcodes, where the barcode is different from the supplier code. This happens...