Some suppliers use barcodes, where the barcode is different from the supplier code. This happens when the supplier has a barcoded ticket on the item, but that barcode is different to the reference number (i.e supplier code) that they use on the invoice.

You can choose whether you will use the barcode or the reference as the suplier code. Most jewelers choose the invoice reference number, as it is easier to track the number from the invoice and from orders. If you do this then Swim also gives you the ability to record the barcode.
The barcodes are entered from the supplier menu. Go to spllier menu, find the supplier and select to edit. Then select supplier codes on the right. Find the supplier code (ctrl f) and choose edit. Scan or type in the supplier code for that item. You only need to do  this as an initial setup, so that the barcode and supplier code can be matched together.
Once set up, when you are on the enter stock from invoice page you can use the supplier barcode by clicking into the stock number field, entering a fullstop '.', and then scanning the barcode.  The corresponding supplier code will then be shown.
This speeds up the stock entry, as you can scan all the barcodes to enter the items into stock, rather than type tem in.
See managing beaded jewelry for more information
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