Below is a list of frequently asked questions and scenarios that may occur when entering stock into swim:


Items have disappeared from the assemble stock screen

When assembling stock, if you log out, and then go back to the assemble screen, the previously assembled items will not appear. This screen is associated with user logins, so once logged out (or timed out), the screen is cleared for the next person. It is recommended that if a user is using assemble stock and are about to log out, first print or save the stock audit trail (bottom of assemble screen) so you have a record of what you have entered

When entering in a supplier code, I can't change the form type

This means that there is another stock item with the same supplier and supplier code already entered into the system with a form type. If you want to change the form type, you have 2 choices:

  1. Find the item/s with the matching supplier and supplier code, and alter the form type of them to match the form type you want. You can do this by opening the stock item details and clicking 'form type' from the right side menu. This is the better choice if there is only a few items with matching supplier and supplier codes.
  2. The other option is, for the new item you are entering, change the supplier code so it is different from the other item/s. This way, the conflict won't occur, and you can select the form type you want. This is the better choice if there are quite a lot of items with matching supplier and supplier codes.

"Displaying only items just created through Assemble Stock" message

This message will be displayed when going to 'Find Stock', shortly after entering a new stock item through 'Assemble Stock'. The message means that the search will only look for items that were just created through the Assemble Stock process, and will not perform a search of all stock items. To perform a search of all stock items, click on the "here" part of the message. This will clear out the list of newly created stock items and allow you to use the search page as normal.

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