You can enter stock into Swim in the following ways:
Electronically: You can enter stock from a spreadsheet straight into Swim. You can do this when you start, to upload all your existing stock and can also use this feature at any other time. This is useful for importing a suppliers stock list or entering a complete catalog of stock. You can also use this feature if your supplier provides you with a spreadsheet of items purchased. To learn how to enter stock from spreadsheet, click here.
Manually, where you have a supplier invoice: When you receive goods from a supplier, you enter those goods into Swim via the 'enter stock from invoice' section. You also enter consignment/memo/appro stock through this section. To learn how, click here.
Manually, where you are making the piece or do not have an invoice: When you do not have an invoice, you use the Assemble stock feature. Examples of when to use this feature are when you are making the piece from scratch, you are combing existing stock items and parts, or when you are starting Swim and you want to enter all you existing stock (and don't have an electronic list). To learn how to assemble stock, click here.
Automatically, from an order: One of the quickest ways to enter stock into Swim is straight from the order. This feature is useful once you start creating all you supplier orders in Swim. When the goods arrive you can mark which items have been received and automatically enter the items to stock. To learn more, click here.
Prerequisite for Entering Stock
If you have users turned on, to be able to enter stock using any of the above methods the user must have the required permissions. You can set the user permissions in utilities, users, manage users. Click here to learn more. If you have just started Swim and have not changed any user setting you will, by default, have permission to enter stock.