Entering a new Invoice

To enter stock you first need to create an invoice. create a new invoice just follow the steps below:

  1. Click on 'Stock Menu'.
  2. Click on 'Enter Stock From Invoice'.
  3. To create a new invoice click on 'New Invoice' Note: If you are searching for an existing Invoice refer to 'Searching for an Invoice'.
  4. Select the 'Invoice Type' of either 'stock' or 'consignment' from the dropdown list.
  5. Enter an invoice date using the calendar
  6. Select the supplier from the list. Note: New suppliers can be created via Suppliers > New Supplier
  7. Click on the invoice number field and type in the tax invoice number.
    - For stock items with no tax, click in the Tax status field and select 'No tax in price - Non-capital acquisition' from the dropdown list.
    - For stock items with tax, select the Tax status as 'Taxable - Non-capital acquisition'.
  8. Click on the calendar button and select 'Payment Due' date. (optional)
  9. Enter a discount percentage into the 'Possible Discount' field. (optional)
  10. Type in any comments into the 'Comments' field. (optional)
  11. In the 'Stock Costs' box, click into the corresponding data fields and type in the tax exclusive  total of the stock purchase. Tax will be automatically worked out for you if the tax status included tax.
  12. If you have any other charges on the invoice, click on the '+' next to 'Additional Costs' and select the type of expense from the dropdown list provided, enter the amount and save. To enter more, click the '+' again
  13. Click Save.


Adding stock to the Invoice

Once the invoice details are in,

  1. Click the  'Stock' Tab.
  2. Enter the stock items supplier code (the supplier's stock number or model number as shown on the invoice). Note: If you are entering an existing item (reorder) the form type will automatically be selected for you, otherwise for new stock choose a form type from the dropdown.
  3. Type in the quantity received.
  4. Type in the cost (excluding tax) of the item.
  5. If you received a discount, type the discount in as a percentage.
  6. Choose the 'Department' from the dropdown list.
  7. Chose the 'Category' from the dropdown list.
  8. Enter a description for the item.
    Note: If you need to enter more information to the item, check the box marked 'More Details' which will display all available stock field when the Add items button is clicked.
  9. To print a tag instantly, check the box marked 'Print Tag'. Click 'Add'.
  10. Continue steps above until all stock items are added.
  11. When all stock has been entered, check Total of Stock Purchases (tax Excl.) equals the Total Cost of Goods Entered (tax Excl.). If these two fields match, the invoice has been entered correctly and all items are accounted for.
  12. To view the stock numbers for any stock items created, enable the 'View by Stock Items' switch
  13. You can then preview and/or print the stock audit report by clicking 'Stock Audit Trail' at the bottom of the screen.
  14. Images can be uploaded onto the item by enabling the 'View by Stock Items' switch

Adding a Component to a Stock Item through an Invoice

If you received on an invoice a part that you want to add to an existing item in stock (for example adding a clasp to a necklace you alreay have in Swim as a stock piece), we call this 'assembling a component' To assemble:

  1. Type in the supplier code
  2. Select the form type from the dropdownlist as 'Assemble'.
  3. Type in the quantity received
  4. Type in the cost (excluding tax) of the item.
  5. If you received a discount, type the discount in as a percent.
  6. Enter the Swim stock number for the existing item (the item you are adding this component to).
  7. Click 'Add'.

Searching for an Invoice

To search for an existing Invoice just follow the steps below:

  1. Click on 'Stock Menu'.
  2. Click on 'Enter Stock From Invoice'.
  3. Click on the invoice number field and type in the invoice number (optional).
  4. Click on the supplier field and choose a supplier from the dropdown list (optional).
  5. Type in or select the date of the invoice by clicking on the calendar (optional).
  6. Type in or select the payment due date of the invoice by clicking on the calendar (optional).
  7. Select the type of invoice from the dropdown list (optional).
  8. Click 'Search'.
  9. When the results appear, click on 'View Invoice' to the right of the details of the invoice that you want.
    Note: To search for all invoices just leave all the fields blank and click search.
Correcting Mistakes

To remove an item off the invoice just check the box marked 'View by Stock Items' and click 'Remove' next to the item you wish to remove.
To edit an item off the invoice just check the box marked 'View by Stock Items' and click 'Edit' next to the item you wish to remove.

Printing Tags
To print stock tags individually, click the print tag checkbox before selecting the add stock item button.
Alternatively you can print all the tags in one go. To do this, after you have entering all of the stock, at the bottom of the screen select 'add all items to stock tag print list'. The print tag list will then open. Select print 
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