Configuring Swim to use a Clicksend number

A sender ID is the name or number displayed to the recipient of a message delivered via Swim. There are four sender ID types available in Swim, each with varying functionality options and it is important you take the time to learn how these sender ID types work before sending any messages.

What Sender ID types are available?

Shared Number - A Shared Number is a pool of numbers that are randomly cycled through each time you send a message in Swim. A shared number pool is recommended when you are sending marketing messages but are not utilising a Dedicated Number. Customers can reply to all messages using a Shared Number as the sender ID.

Mobile Number - Allows you to specify your own mobile number as the sender ID. Using your own mobile number will result in customers seeing your personal mobile number on each message you send via Swim. Customers can reply to all messages sent using a Mobile Number as the sender ID and these reply messages will be sent your handset device.

Business Name - Allows you to display your business name as the sender ID. Business Name sender ID's are limited to 11 characters and must be easily associated with your business name. Customers cannot reply to messages sent with a Business Name and as such the Business Name sender ID is not available when sending marketing messages.

Dedicated Number - A Dedicated Number is a pre-purchased number that is unique to your business. The Dedicated Number sender ID provides the largest level of flexibility, customers can easily recognise your messages each time as messages are always sent from the same number. All messages using the Dedicated Number can be replied to and the sender ID can be used on all message types including bulk marketing messages.


How to setup a Sender ID

Shared Numbers are automatically set up and ready for use. When sending a message in Swim simply select Shared Number from the Sender drop down and a number will be randomly assigned. 

Mobile Number can be configured by navigating to Utilities > Communication > Message Config and typing your number into the Mobile Number field.

Business Name can be configured by navigating to Utilities > Communication > Message Config and typing your Business Name into the Business Name field.

Dedicated numbers must be purchased from Clicksend by following the steps below.

  1. Login to your Clicksend account here.
  2. Select Numbers from the left side menu
  3. Choose either SMS or SMS and MMS depending on how you would like to use the Dedicated Number.
  4. Search or select the number you wish to purchase and then complete the purchase.
  5. Return to Swim and navigate to Utilities > Communication > Dedicated Number and click Save
  6. Click on the Dedicated Number drop down and select the number you have just purchased
  7. Click Save.