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How to create a repair sale
You can create a repair sale by creating a new sale and selecting a customer, and then 'sales,repairs,valuation'. View 03. How to perform a sale in...
Views: 2604 -
How to update and track repairs, jobs and special makes
Once a job is created, from the sales screen you can enter further details of the job, along with tracking information, status, costs, materials,...
Views: 2349 -
How to bulk track repairs, jobs and special makes using the job tracking page
To track the status of a repair for a sale or to add a job so that it can be tracked, follow the steps below: Go to 'Sales Menu'. Select 'Job...
Views: 2569 -
How to add a picture to a repair job or non stock item
To add a picture to a repair job for the purposes of showing the customer or person doing the repair, you need to create a new sale and add the...
Views: 2250 -
How to add costings and materials to repairs, jobs and special makes
Find the sale/job and select to view Click on the item to bring up the workorder popup screen Click on cost details Here you can add new...
Views: 1861 -
How to add tasks, assign tasks and book in the calendar
Getting started with tasks To start, find and open the sale/job Click on the item to bring up the workorder popup Click on tasks the tab To...
Views: 2430 -
How to preset a task list for non stock items
Preset Task List Setting up a preset task list for a non-stock item takes place in the 'new non-stock template' menu. To access this menu and set...
Views: 1895 -
How to record the time taken on a task (clock on/off)
Tracking Task Time Having created a task on a sale, Swim allows you to track the amount of time spent on a task. This is an incredibly helpful...
Views: 1734 -
How to add new work order locations
New work order locations can be added at any time by going to 'Utilities' > 'Edit Dropdown Lists' > 'Work Order Locations' ( Stock Heading )....
Views: 2117 -
How to enter outstanding repair jobs
If you are new to Swim you may want to manually enter any outstanding jobs/repairs that you had in your previous system. To enter outstanding...
Views: 1907