Once a job is created, from the sales screen you can enter further details of the job, along with tracking information, status, costs, materials, tasks etc.
Firstly, find the sale and open in the sales screen.
Click on the item you want to update
The workorder popup will then appear
For a full list of the fields on the workorder popup screen and their meaning, see https://support.onswim.com/knowledgebase/521/05-Fields-on-the-sales-screen-explained.html
For updating the status, location or job description, click on the workorder tab
For updating or adding materials and costings, click on the cost tab
For updating or adding of tasks, booking those tasks in (to the calendar) or time clocking how long the task is taking, click on the tasks tab
To add pictures, click on the pictures tab
Once you have finished, select save and close.
note: You can add a date required to jobs. The date required field is found on the sales page, on the right hand side. You will also find collected by field just under the date required field.
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