
How to perform a refund

To refund an existing sale, follow the steps below: Navigate to Sales > Find Sale and...

How to cancel a refund

Cancelling a refund means that the refund is no longer active, and that the original sale...

Sales Terminology

Status of a Sale Each sale has a status of either deposit, posted or cancelled.   Posted sale...

How to exchange items

To exchange a stock item, first find the original sale using 'Find Sale'. If the sale has not...

How to perform a refund and include a refund fee

Performing a refund that includes a refund fee can be achieved in Onswim by following the steps...

How to refund selected item/s on a sale

Start by finding the sale and selecting 'refund'. Next, click on any items you do not want to...

How to refund a Deposit Sale

Deposit sales are in a state that can be edited, so they do not necessarily need to be refunded....

How to refund a Quick Sale for customer credit

Note: Because a 'Quick Sale' does not have a specified customer assigned to it, a customer needs...

I have refunded an item, but it doesn't show as 'In Stock'

Check that the payment has been made on the refund. This can be done by opening the refund sale,...

I can't see customer credit as a payment type

This is most likely due to trying to refund a 'Quick Sale', to which customers on your database...

How to refund customer credit to cash

Customer credit can be refunded to cash (or any valid payment type) through the use of a standard...

Why can't I refund an Insurance Sale?

Note: Insurance sales cannot be refunded in the normal way.   What you can do instead is select...

How to refund an item when the original sale was not in Swim or cannot be found

In Swim, it is possible to refund or exchange items when the original sale was not in Swim or the...

How to restrict staff from completing a refund

Swim has a range of user permissions available that allow you to restrict staff from accessing...