Performing a refund that includes a refund fee can be achieved in Onswim by following the steps below. A refund fee should be used when the original sale payment is not being returned to the customer in full.
- Navigate to Sales > Find Sale > View Sale
- Select Refund Sale from the bottom of the sale screen
- In the Refund Reason drop down select a reason for the Refund Fee. Values can be added to the Refund Reason drop down via Utilities > Lists > Refund Reason
- In the Refund Fee Amount field, enter in the amount the business is retaining as a fee.
- Click Save
- If there is still an amount due to be returned to the customer, enter this amount into the Payment Amount field under the Refund Payment Details section
- Click Add
Note: When a refund is complete the Total Available to Refund should balance to $0.00 and be highlighted in green.