To exchange a stock item, first find the original sale using 'Find Sale'. If the sale has not been completed and still has a status of 'Deposit', you can remove the  item from the sale, then add the new item.

If the sale is 'Posted', you will need to refund this sale with 'Customer Credit' as the payment type. (See 01. How to perform a refund). When performing the refund, ensure only the items being returned are highlighted.  In the payment field on the refund select 'customer credit' and add the payment.

The next step is to create a new sale for the same customer. Select new sale, search or the customer and select 'sale, repair, valuation'. Enter the item/s onto he sale that the customer is taking. In the payment amount field,  enter the amount of customer credit being used. In the payment type field, select customer credit.  Then add the payment. 


If the value of the item being exchanged is higher than the refunded item you can enter an additional payment for the difference.
If the value of the item being exchanged is less than the refunded item, enter the payment amount as the balance of the sale and then select the payment type as customer credit. The remaining credit will remain as customer credit for the customer and can be used on subsequent sales.
If you wish to give the difference back to the customer in cash, then when entering the payment amount, enter the full amount of customer credit available  and the payment type as customer credit. Change will then show, which is the amount of cash to give the customer.

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