To create a supplier order just follow the steps below: Go to the Supplier Menu. Click on...
To find a supplier order just follow the steps below: Go to the Supplier Menu. Click on Find...
The supplier performance area is a good tool for finding items that need to be orders. Just...
On the Supplier menu click on stock listing for supplier orders. Then select the supplier from...
The Stock Listing for Orders area can be found by going to the Supplier Menu > Stock Listing...
With your stock holding you will have certain items that you always want in stock. These can be...
In Swim there is a feature located under Supplier Menu > Stock Listing by Supplier Code that...
The report to best use for re-ordering in swim is Report No. SUR003 Supplier Code summary. The...
For all orders in Swim, you can select to automatically add the item into stock, from the order...
Supplier Order TerminologyStatus: The status of an order dictates what can be performed on the...