To create a supplier order just follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Supplier Menu.
  2. Click on Create Supplier Order.
  3. Click on the supplier drop down list and select the supplier from the list.
  4. Continue on and fill in any of the other fields and click 'Create Order.'

Entering items to a supplier order:

  1. In the order screen, to add new items to the order you simply need to type in the Supplier Code or Stock No into the respective fields and hit enter (or click on the right arrow). You can click the magnifying glass to search for either of these if you are unsure of the exact number.
  2. Fill in the remaining details of item description, price and quantity and then click 'Add Item.'
  3. If the item is for a customer you can add in the job number of the customers job before clicking add. This number must be the Swim job number. This then allows you to know, when the item comes in, which customer and job it is for.
  4. Add in the rest of the items to the order and click 'Save Order.'
  5. You can keep this order open and continue to add more items. You can go out of the order and back in at any time.
  6. When you are ready to send the order to the supplier, click on the picture of the printer and then either select to print, or save the pdf so you can email it to the supplier.
    Mark the order as being sent by clicking on the picture of the truck

To edit a supplier order just follow the steps below:

    1. Go to Supplier Menu.
    2. Click on Find Supplier Order.
    3. Use the search criteria to find the order.
    4. Once found, click on the view order icon (this is the first icon that shows a piece of paper with magnifying glass). The order will then open up.
    5. You can edit the details on the left of the page and click on save order when complete.
      To edit an item on the order, click on the edit icon. The item will appear at the top in the edit window. Make the changes and click on 'update item'
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