How to find and edit a supplier order

To find a supplier order just follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Supplier Menu.
  2. Click on Find Supplier Order.
  3. Use the search fields to type in information to search for the order. You can enter in all or part of the supplier name or use any of the other fields.
  4. Click search to then search for the order.
  5. Once found, click on the view order icon to open it up.
  6. To start a new search, click on the 'X' to clear the search criteria


Understanding the icons:



The icons are described below from left to right.

'View Order' - Will take you into the details of the specific order. This is where you edit the order, receive and add items to the order.

'Print' - Will bring up a print document of the specific order which you can send to your printer.

'Mark Order Sent' - Will mark your order as sent from the supplier, this will then enable items in the order to be received into stock.

'Mark Order Cancelled' - This will cancel the order.