Supplier Order Terminology and FAQ

Supplier Order Terminology

Status:  The status of an order dictates what can be performed on the order.  Below are the different supplier order status's with their meaning:

On Hold:  The first status that all orders default to is 'on hold' . On hold means the order has not yet been sent to the supplier.  When an order is on hold you can continue to add items to the order. You can go in and out of the order, building up the order over time.  If you use the 'stock listing for supplier orders' or the 'supplier performance' to select items to order, the system will first check if you have an on hold order for that supplier, and if there is, it will add the items to that order.  If there is no on hold order for that supplier, the system will generate a new order, add the items to the order and set the status of the order to on hold

Sent:  This status means the order has been sent to the supplier.  To change an order from on hold to sent you need to select the sent icon (picture of the truck with the arrow).  You can do this from the supplier order page or the find order page.  When an order has the status of sent, you can no longer add items to the order. 

Received / Partly Received:  This status means goods from the order have been received or started to be received.  To be able to receive goods, the original status of the order must be 'sent'.  If the status is still 'on hold' you will first need to mark the order as sent and then you start to mark items as being received.  To mark an order as received you need to select for each item that the goods have been received. If a tax invoice number is present you can select 'add stock' and automatically add the item to stock as you mark the item as being received (click here for more details).

Cancelled: This status means the order has been cancelled and has no effect

Send By:  The send by date is a date you can enter as a reminder to send the order.  You can use this date when building up orders over a period.  For example, if you have a customer special order and have created the supplier order for the piece, you may not need or want to send the order straight away. Rather, you may like to build up the order.  You can enter in a 'send by' date as the last day you must send the order so that you receive the parts in time.  The date here would be determined by when you need the customer's special order by.

Estimated Delivery Date:  This is the date that you expect the goods to arrive.  If your supplier provides you with an estimated delivery date, you can enter it in here.

Find Supplier Order page:  This page allows you to find supplier orders that have been created

Stock Listing for Supplier Orders:  This page allows you to search for items that you may like to order.  This page also allows you to search for any items that are below their set minimum quantity.  For more details on stock listing for orders, click here

Supplier Performance:  This page allows you to search for items that you may like to order.  The search facility on this page allows you to search on items sold over a particular date range and narrow that search by supplier.  You can then click and add any items that need re-ordering, to an order. For more information click here