Changing the Invoice Type

Once you have selected the type of the invoice and it has been saved, you cannot change it's type. You can however change the Invoice Number and make the invoice total zero, and remove all items added to the invoice. . Once this has been done you can simply create a new invoice with the desired Invoice Type and correct details..

Changing the Invoice Number / Supplier

You can only make a change to the invoice number or supplier of an invoice if no items have been added, and the post end of day has not been processed. In this case go to the expenses menu > find invoice > search for the invoice and click to open. Then update the details of the invoice.

If a mistake has been made and the stock items have been entered with the incorrect supplier, you can either click on the 'enter stock' tab and click to 'remove' all the items and then re-enter under a new invoice with the correct supplier, Or you can click 'view by stock number' and then click edit on each of the items. Once in the item click on components and edit the supplier of the main component to the correct supplier.

Changing the Form Type of an Item

Once an item has been entered on an invoice, Swim will remember the Form Type and then automatically revert to this when the item's supplier code is used in the future. To ensure consistency, the same item (i.e same supplier and supplier code) will always be entered as the same form type.

If a form type needs to be changed, just follow the steps below:

  1. Find the stock item and click to view.
  2. Select 'change form type' on the right hand side.
  3. Select the new form type and click save.
  4. Click 'item details' on the right.
  5. Under 'quantity on hand' if there are more than one, click on the underlined number.
  6. You can then select these items and also change their form type using the above method.
  7. This will ensure all items with the same supplier and supplier code are using the same form type.

Removing Items if a mistake has been made

To remove an item entered, find and open the invoice  and select the enter stock tab. From here, you can remove the items by clicking on 'Remove All' on the right hand side of the item.

Note: This will remove all items that are currently in the system, so if you only want to remove the items that were entered on this invoice, make sure that 'View by Stock Items' is checked. Then click 'Remove' next to each item you wish to remove. You can only remove items this way if the item has not been sold yet or transferred to another store.

If the item was entered through Assemble stock, you will need to change the items location to "inactive". This will not completely remove the item, however, it will no longer be classed as part of your stock holding.

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