Due to the fact that Quantity stock items share a stock number, removing Quantity stock from an invoice is not possible. If this was able to be done, you would remove the stock number from your system meaning not only the stock you have just entered on an invoice would be removed, but the entire holdings for that Q-number.

To adjust the quantity you have 2 options:

  1. Create a 'zero dollar invoice'  to the same supplier. If you are wishing to reduce the holdings for the Q-item, enter the item with a negative quantity. If you are wishing to increase the holdings for the Q-item, enter the item with a positive quantity.

    If you have not entered the correct amount on the first invoice, you could also reduce the invoice costing information on that invoice by the amount of the items you are entering on this second invoice and make the second invoice to the value of the items you are adding to it. This would allow you to show the correct figures on your invoices.
  3. You can also adjust the quantities by stocktaking the Q-item.

For more information see: Knowledgebase Article

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