Fields on the sales screen explained

The following is a list of fields and tasks that can be performed on the sales screen


Main Section of Screen

Stock number (underlined in blue): To add a stock item to a sale you enter in the Swim stock number into this field. This field also allows you to enter the supplier code or suppliers barcode and Swim will then automatically find the Swim stock number and add that to the sale. If you click on the words 'stock number' you will be taken to a search screen where you can search for a stock item
Non-stock item: A non stock item is something you do not have a Swim stock number for (i.e the item is not  entered in Swim as a stock item). You can click in the non stock item field and enter the description of the item or service or you can select one from the drop down list. The drop down list  contains your common non stock items. You can add to this list by going to utilities, lists, non stock template.
Qty: This field allows you to enter how may of the item you are selling. Quantity is only applicable for quantity stock items ('Q' stock numbers) and non stock items
Job description: Use this field if you need to record details of anything that needs to be performed on the item. Form a complete custom design to a small resize, you can enter the details here. This field is unlimited, so you can type as much information as needed.
Discount: Enter in here a discount percent that you are giving. Note that discounts only apply if there is a starting price. So you can add a discount to a stock item or item from the non stock drop down list that has a selling price to begin with. Any newly created non stock items do not have a price yet, so no discount can be applied.
Price: When entering a stock item or selecting a nonstock item from the drop down list, the price for that item will automatically show. You can then override the price by clicking into the field and changing it. You can also add a price for a new non stock item.  Note that you can leave the price as zero and come back later and add the price (this is useful for repairs and makes).
Add Item: You select this button to add the item to the sale.
Taxed: The taxed column shows a checkbox for each item. Use this checkbox to mark any individual items as not having tax. To mark an item, click on the box so that there is no tick showing
Edit/Remove links: Use these options to edit the item on the sale (changing qty or price), or remove the item completely off the sale.  These options will only show when the sale is in an editable state.
Optional Discount Details: In this area you can ad a discount to the entire sale. You can do this as a percentage or as a dollar value. Firstly select either % or $ and then add the value. Each item on the sale will then be updated to take into account this discount. Use this field if you are giving set percent off the entire sale or if the sale comes to a total that you then round for the customer (eg $8,130 so you tell the customer you  make it a neat $8000). Note that this discount will override any individual discounts on items. So use one or the other, not both.
Fast Payment Options: Once an item with a sale price has been added to the sale, the fast pay options appear. These are for speed at checkout and allow you to select a payment type. The payment will then be made for that type in the full amount owing.
Enter Payment Details: Use this area when there are part payments, multiple payments or the customer is paying in a type that is not a fast payment option. The first field shows your currency symbol. Enter in here the amount being paid with the payment type. Next select the payment type from the drop down and select add. You can use this area to add  as many payments as needed. To edit/add or modify the payment types go to utilities lists, sales payment types.
Exit Sale: Click this button to leave the sale and keep all the sale details as they are. In Swim you can go in and out of sales. They do not need to be fully paid in order for you to exist the sale. On the quick sale screen, if you click the exit sale button with a balance that is not zero, it will bring up a message, just to check that a payment has not been forgotten, as quick sales are generally always fully paid. On other screens this is not the case, and the message will not appear. If you view a sale and want to leave the sale without changing any information, you use this button, the exit sale button.
Cancel Sale: This button allows you to cancel the sale, and will create a refund sale for all items and payments on this sale. If you have just made a small mistake, select the edit and remove options on the payments and items first. Only use the cancel sale button when you want to create a refund sale for the entire sale, or the edit and remove options are no longer available.
Print Sale and Exit: This option prints a receipt (using the default receipt style selected in utilities, printing, manage printable documents). After the receipt is printed the screen will close and go back to the main menu.

Right Side of Screen

Customer Details: The customer name appears as the first fields on the right hand side. If you click on the name, all the customer details will appear. In here you can add and edit details, and add customer communications.
SMS Customer: Click on this link to send an SMS/text message to the customer. This is useful for letting a customer know their job is ready for collection or their goods have arrived. To send an SMS you will need to ensure you have set the SMS up, and that you have SMS credits available. 
Customer Credit: This field shows the total amount of customer credit, owing to this customer. If a customer wants to pay for a sale using their customer credit, you can use this field to check how much credit they have available. To learn more about customer credit in Swim, click here

Loyalty Points: This field shows the number of loyalty points accumulated for this customer. If a customer wants to redeem their loyalty points (i.e pay for a sale using loyalty points) you can use this field to check how many they have available. To learn more about setting up and using the loyalty program in Swim, click here

Status: This field lets you know the status of the sale. To learn about the different statuses, click here
Purchase Date: This is the date the sale was first entered into the system. Note this is different to the 'posted date' which is the date the sale was 'Posted'. This is also different to the final payment date, which is the date the sale was fully paid. For some sales, all three dates will be the same. For a lay-by, account sale and a sale that started as a deposit, these dates will vary.
Sales Person: This is the person who entered the original sale. This is the sales person used in the sales reports under reports, sales assistants. You can also see who as added payments to or edit the sale through its history, by going to utilities, users, user access log and entering the job number in the search field and clicking on search. You can also change the sales assistant for a sale here, by going to Purchase details from the sales screen and clicking the new Sales assistants name from the drop down box.
Date Required: You can enter a date in here for when the customer needs the items, or when you have told them they will be available
Job Complete: If this box is ticked, if means all items on the sale are complete, and ready for collection by the customer. You can open a sale and tick this box to mark all items as job complete. You can also do this in bulk, using the sales menu, job tracking page.
Tax Setup: This field shows the tax that is being applied to the entire sale. You can select in here 'no tax' to mark the entire sale as tax free. You can also select another tax value, if a different tax rate needs to apply to the sale.  To add tax rates, go to utilities, system, tax rates.  To assign default tax rates for sales, go to utilities, systems, locale.
Collected by: When the customer comes in to pick up the goods, enter in here the name of the person collecting them. The 'collected by date' will then be automatically updated, and you can use these two fields to know if a sale has been collected, by whom and when.
Follow-up/Comments: Click on this link to record comments or follow up tasks for the entire sale. 
Print Receipt: If you click directly on the preview receipt link, the 'default' style receipt will preview. If you hover your mouse of the link, all the available receipt styles will display, and you can choose which one you want to print. This is useful if you have a sale that you want to print to full page or half page letter paper, and your default receipt style is a docket receipt (or vice versa, particularly for account sales).

Print Job Packet: The job packet, or repair slip/workshop ship is used to detail the work that needs to be performed. The job packet shows the items and job descriptions, and then additional information such as dates, people and tasks, as set out in the work order tab. Job packets come in different styles, and allow for copies for the customer, as well as the workshop. The job packet also allows you to set fields, such as not displaying prices and the customer name, which is useful if your jobs go out of the store to a workshop or supplier. If you click directly on the preview job packet link, the 'default' style job packet will preview. If you hover your mouse of the link, all the available job packet styles will display, and you can choose which one you want to print. 

Email Receipt: This option allows you to email a receipt to the customer. The receipt style used in the email is the full page receipt style 1. Be sure to set up this receipt with your store details and other options, through utilities, printing, manage printable documents, before starting to email receipts.  The email receipt option is very popular and is useful when performing sales on tablets and iPads, or on the road. It is also a good way to collect customer email addresses.
SMS Receipt: This option allows you to send the receipt as a SMS/text message. The message is a short message with the job number and amount. To use this option ensure you have the SMS set up and that you have credits available. This option is also useful when making sales on tablets/iPads.
Valuation:  This link allows you to create/modify/print an appraisal/valuation for the items on the sale. To learn more, click here
Refund: This link allows you to refund the sale. To learn more about refunds, click here.

Workorder Popup

For any item on a sale if you click on the item description it will bring up the workorder popup. In here you can add further information about the item. This screen is useful for job creation and tracking. To learn more about job tracking, click here
The workorder popup has several tabs , explained below. To move between tabs, click on the tab heading.  Click save  after you make changes, and close to go back to the sales screen.
Sales Details Tab
  • The description, discount, qty, selling price are the same fields that were used when adding the item to the sale. You can edit these fields in changes are needed. Note: If editing is not available it is because the sale is posted and no longer in an editable state.
  • The department and category are also shown and can be edited.  Stock items have their department and category fro their stock details area. Non stock items that were in the drop down list use their department and category as set in utilities, lists, non stock templates. For all other non stock items, the department and category default to the value set in utilities, sales, non stock items.  You can then edit the department/category here, so that it is more particular to the item.   
Workorder Tab
  • Customer Fit: Click on this link to enter in the customers finger sizes under their customer profile.
  • Goods Description: In here you can enter a description of the goods. This is useful if the item description and job description are detailing the work needed.
  • Time Required: Enter in here the number of hours you anticipate the job to take. 
  • Customer Comments: Type in here any comments you want the customer to see. These comments appear on the job packet. An example is 'noticed  claws worn while performing resize. Recommend replacing claws'
  • Status: Enter in here the status of the job. You can create you 'status' list in utilities, lists, workorder status
  • Location: Enter n here the location of the item (e hold box, safe, workshop etc). The more specific you are, the easier it is to find the item. Locations can be added in utilities, lists, location
  • Job Description: This is the field when entering the item o the sale. As a note, you can expand the field so  that you can see all the text by dragging the three dots in the right hand corner. Drag the box down and to the right to make it larger.
  • Comments: Enter in here any additional comments. These comments are not seen by the customer
Tasks Tab
This is a list of all the tasks that need to be performed to complete the job. You can pre-set a list of tasks for non stock items under utilities, lists, non stock template
  • Task: Enter a task name eg polishing
  • Staff: The person who will be performing the task
  • Time Req'd: The estimated time it will take to perform the task
  • Rate/hr: The cost to you per hour (This is used later on in reports to ensure you are making a profit on you jobs)
  • Book: Use this button to book in the task on the calendar
  • Start/Stop: These buttons allow you to time the task. Press start when starting the task and stop when it is complete. You can go out of the screen/sale and back in between start and stop
  • Date Booked: The date the task is to be performed
  • Time Booked: The time on that day that the task is to start
  • Comments; Any comments regarding the task
  • Add: Adds the task and clears the data entry fields, ready for you  add another task.
  • Time Taken: Once in the task list you can click edit on start to clock-in that the task has started. Then click stop when you have finished. The time clocked from start to stop will then be shown in this field.
  • Cost: This is the rate by actual time taken
  • Edit: This link allows you to edit the task
  • Remove: This link allows you to remove the task
Cost Tab
The cost tab allows you to enter all the components that make up the piece. The total cost of the components on this tab is then shown as the total cost of the item.  Every  item must have at least one component (cost). Non stock items that are not selected from the drop down list are given a default supplier, supplier code and cost. The default is set in utilities, sales, non stock item. The cost is base on the default markup that is set for the default department set. The markup values are found on the stock menu, markup tables
  • Supplier: This is the supplier of the component/item
  • Supplier Code: This is the supplier's code / model number / style number
  • Qty: The quantity of the component used. Eg 1.5 if you used 1.5grams of 18ct.
  • Cost: This is the cost per qty. Eg cost per gram, cost per unit or cost per carat. The total cost is then the qty * cost. Cost is entered in excluding tax.
  • Save: Click to add the component.
Picture Tab 
  • Choose  file: allows you to select the picture. A browser window will appear where you can search for and select the file. Note: the choose file button is not available on the iPad.
  • Add:adds the picture to the item. You can add multiple pictures.

Additional Fields

Quick Sale
  • New Quick Sale: located at the bottom right of the screen, this option opens a new quick sale. This helps to speed the process at point of sale.
  • Note: The customer details do not appear on the quick sale screen, as there is no customer attached to the sale.
Sale, Repair
  • Convert to Layby: Located at the bottom right of the screen, use this option to convert the sale into a layby/lay-away. Note: you can use this option for zero dollar sales that you want to change from the status of 'deposit' to 'posted'. 
  • Convert to Account sale: This option converts the sale into an account sale
  • Convert to quote: This option converts the sale into a quote. Note this option is only available when no payment is applied to the sale.
  • Layby Period: This field show in months how long the layby/lay-away is for. The sale uses the default period, set in utilities, sales, lay-by.  You can override the default by changing the value in the field, on the sale.
  • Expiry date: This is when the layby will expire. It is calculated from the purchase date plus the layby period.
  • Minimum deposit: This is the amount expected from the first payment. The default is set in utilities, sales, layby. If a payment is less than  the minimum deposit, it will give a warning. You can continue, after seeing the warning.
  • Note: the fast pay options are not shown on the layby screen, as lay-by's by their nature have multiple payments, rather than one payment.
Account Sale
  • Account Client Details - Balance: This  is the balance owing on the clients account (cross all their account sales)
  • Limit: This is the balance limit for their account. The default account limit is set up in utilities, sales, account. The limit can then be changed for each customer by selecting 'manage account', 'account options'. 
  • Charge Account: This is the account being charged. This defaults to the customer selected. For more information on charge accounts and different  bill and ship to addresses, click here.
  • Last Payment: This is the date of the last payment made on the customer's account.
  • Manage Account: This link allows you to view the outstanding account sales, paid account sales and set the account options.
  • Bulk Payment: Make Payment: This link allows you to make a payment on the account. Account sales are paid on account, rather than on each individual sale
Insurance Quote/Invoice
  • Company: The insurance company name. Select from the drop down list, or click on the word 'company' to enter a new insurance company
  • Reference: The reference or claim number provided by the insurance company. 
  • Insurance Discount: The discount you are giving the insurance company. Select % or currency and the enter the amount being given.
  • Customer Excess: If the customer is paying an amount on the sale, enter that amount in here.
  • Discounted Total: This is the total after the insurance discount has been applied
  • Preview Quote: Use this option to preview or print the quote for either the customer or insurance company.
  • Go ahead with Replacement: This option show during the quote phase. Select this option to move the quote to a sale/invoice
  • Preview Invoice: This option appears once the quote is made into a sale. This invoice is intended for the insurance company.
  • Customer  Receipt: Select to print a receipt for the customer. This receipt does not show the insurance discount. 
  • Refund as Customer Credit: This option refunds the sale and places the full quote total as a customer credit. Use this option if you want to cancel the sale and cannot select the option to change sale back to quote (as a payment has been made on the sale).
  • Change Sale back to Quote: This option changes the sale back into a quote. Use this option to make changes to the sale. This option will only be available if no payments have been made.