What is the significance of the "end date" on reports?
The end date of the report indicates that the report will display information up until that date. If the report has a date range, the report will display information between those two dates.
E.g. 1: If you were printing a lay-by summary with a "to date" of 01/01/2007, the report would show a summary of all laybys created up until 01/01/2007. Any lay-bys created past this date would not be shown.
E.g. 2: If you were printing a listing of items sold report with a "from date" of 01/01/2007, and a "to date" of 31/01/2007, the report would show all items sold between 01/01/2007 and 31/01/2007. Any items sold before 01/01/2007 or after 31/01/2007 would not be shown.