Difference between Shop Takings, Sales and Tax Reports
Definitions:Posted - When a post end of day is performed it marks payments for that day as...
Financial Reports FIN001 and FIN002 - fields explained
The following is an explanation of some of the fields and calculations used in FIN001 and...
How can I limit the decimals from an exported file to 2 decimal places?
SWIM uses a high level of accuracy for pricing information due to the varying tax values...
How to export the reports to excel
This feature is available for the following reports: STR002: Stock Listing STR005: Stocktake...
Is the 'Cost' column in reports tax inclusive?
The cost column in all reports will be excluding tax unless specified otherwise.
What is the significance of the "end date" on reports?
The end date of the report indicates that the report will display information up until that...