Cipherlab 1560 Bluetooth Scanner configuration

Instructions for configuring the Cipherlab 1560 Bluetooth Scanner for use with different scan suffixes:

Pairing with base:
The first thing you will need to do upon unpackaging your Cipherlab 1560 scanner is to pair it with the scanner base.

1. You will first need to plug your scanner base (the holder) into power and then plug it via USB into a PC.
2. After powering on the base, you can power on your scanner by holding in the trigger for 3 seconds until it beeps twice.
3. Now, underneath your scanner base there will be 2 barcodes. Scan both of these from top to bottom with the scanner. It should beep twice again.
4. Your scanner will now be paired with this base, so insert the scanner onto the base for charging.

Configuring your scanner with a tab or enter suffix:
By default the scanner will be set to a 'tab' or 'enter' suffix. What this means is that after you scan a barcode, the scanner will also immediately input either a keyboard 'tab' or a keyboard 'enter'. This can speed processes up for you in using these suffixes. You can enter many keyboard suffixes to the scanner, however, we generally only recommend using tab or enter as there would be no need for any other suffixes.
You will need to print out specific pages from the following manual for the below steps:
Note that the PDF viewer's page number will be different to the manual's page number, when printing you need to specify the PDF viewer's page number)

1. Using the link to the above manual, you will need to print out the following specific pages:
219 (207 manual page #), 218 (206 manual page #), 160 (148 manual page #).
2. You should now have pages titled as the following: "Prefix/Suffix Code" (page #148), "Hexadecimal System" (page #206) and "Appendix IV Numeral Systems" (page #207).
3. On the Prefix/Suffix code page (page #148), scan the 'Enter Setup' barcode at the bottom of the page.
4. Now scan the 'Configure Suffix' barcode in the middle of this page.
5. Go to the Hexadecimal System page (page #206).
    - To configure your scanner with an 'Enter' suffix, scan the barcodes titled '0' and then 'D', in that order.
    - To configure your scanner with a 'Tab' suffix, scan the barcodes titles '0' and then '9', in that order.
6. Now go to the Numeral Systems page (page #207) and scan the 'Validate' barcode at the top of the page.
7. Finally scan the 'Update' barcode at the bottom left of this page.

Your scanner will now be configured with the selected suffix. Test that it has worked by scanning a random barcode (not from the manual) into Swim.