To add a payment to a lay away / lay-by sale or to pay off its balance, follow the steps below:

  1. Find the layby you wish to add a payment to. To find a lay away / layby refer to the following knowledgebase article: 04. How to find a sale
  2. Once in the lay away / lay-by, click into the 'amount' field.
  3. Type in the amount of the payment.
  4. Click on the 'payment type' field.
  5. Select a 'payment type' from the dropdown list.
  6. Click 'Add'.
  7. Repeat steps 2-5 to make multiple payments.
    Note: To find out information about previous payments (such as the date a payment was made), click on the payment details.
  8. To remove or edit a payment click on 'Remove' to the right of the payment details, or click on 'Edit' to the right of the payment details to edit the details of the payment.
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