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How to enter opening lay-by / lay-away balances
When starting Swim, to enter opening layby balances into Swim just follow the steps below: Create a new layby under that customer's details....
Views: 2699 -
How to create a Lay-by/ Lay-away sale
To create a lay-away/lay-by sale, select new sale, select the customer for the sale and select 'lay-by' Then follow the normal sales steps to add...
Views: 2072 -
How to add payments and make the final payment to a lay-by / lay-away
To add a payment to a lay away / lay-by sale or to pay off its balance, follow the steps below: Find the layby you wish to add a payment to. To...
Views: 1865 -
How to add more items to a Lay-by/ Lay-away once a payment has been made
Unfortunately once a payment has been made on a Lay-by/ Lay-away transaction, the items cannot be edited and further items cannot be added. To...
Views: 1956 -
How to view all Lay-by/ Lay-away sales
To view all Lay-by/ Lay-away sales follow the steps below: Go to 'Find Sale'. Using the 'Sale Type' dropdown list, you can select either...
Views: 2016