Finding Sale

You can find a sale through the sales menu


  1. Click on 'Sales Menu' and 'Find Sale' or from the main menu, click on 'Find Sale'.
  2. Type in your user password. Press enter.
  3. Search for a Sale
    1. To search you can use any field or a combination of fields.  Enter your search criteria and select search.
    2. For example:
    3. Type in the Job Number (if known) into the Job No. field, or
    4. Type in the customer's last name (if known) or enter the first letter to find all customers beginning with that letter, or
    5. Type in the customer's first name (if known) or enter the first letter to find all customers beginning with that letter or
    6. Type in the remaining fields (optional).
    7. To view sales for a particular date, click in the date field and type in the date.
    8. Type in the customer's number (if known).
    9. To view all sales, leave each field blank
    10. click 'Search'.
  4. Find another sale
    • To find a new sale or clear the fields on the screen, click 'Clear' and repeat the steps above.
  5. View Sales details
    1. Click on the sale details to highlight it.
    2. Click on 'View Sale'.
  6. Refund Sale
    1. Click on the sale details to highlight it.
    2. Click on 'Refund Sale'.
    3. To see how to do a refund refer to 'Refunds'.
  7. Notes
    1. You can click 'search' with no information entered to bring up all sales
    2. Click 'advanced' to bring up further search options including sales person, job description, collected on and date required
    3. To sort the search results click on the column heading

To watch the video on how to find a sale, click here

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