Selling and Placing Beaded stock on display:

If you have beaded stock or stock that is in trays, then the following procedure will help you sell and manage the stock quickly and effectively.

Step 1: Mark every single tray with A-Z along X axis. (most trays are 6 columns so it is A-F) Then mark each row starting at 1. When at the end of a tray, start the next tray with the next number. So for example, the first tray will have A1-F10, second will be A11-F20, the third tray will be A21-F30.

If your store has stock out the back in trays, mark them the same as the ones out the front, so A1 out the back is the same bead as A1 in the front of shop

Step 2: In Swim, for each bead type in the tray number as seen below:

Step 3: Print out the tray list by going to reports, stock reports, tray list. Enter the numbers for that tray (example A1 � F10) and press print. You can use this printout for quick reference and scanning purposes

Step 4: When selling stock, instead of having to worry about the Swim number, Supplier's code or suppliers barcode, you can simply type a full-stop �.� followed by the tray number.Using the Step 2 example, based on the image below, typing �.e5� will bring up the details for Q02152

Entering Stock

Step 1: If the supplier uses barcodes that are different to the supplier code (eg Pandora), download the barcode list (if available), or open up the supplier through the supplier menu (supplier details page), and click on supplier codes. Click 'edit' and enter the barcode next to the supplier code. Then click save.

Step 2: On enter stock from invoice, in the supplier code field type a full-stop �.� and then scan the barcode on the packet. The system will then replace the barcode for the real supplier code.

Once finished entering the stock, print the audit report to view the tray numbers for the goods so you can easily place the goods into the correct tray.

Quick Tip:If you stock different suppliers, ensure that your tray numbers are still unique. So for example, use A1-F160 for Pandora, A200-F350 for Thomas Sabo, A400-F500 for Biagi etc.

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