To take an item out of stock without selling it, you need to change the location of the item to one that is considered 'not in stock'.
The location already setup in Swim to do this is called 'inactive'. To make a stock item 'Inactive' just follow the steps below:
- Find the stock item
- View the stock item details and click on 'Edit Stock Item Details'.
- In the 'location' field dropdown box select 'inactive'
- To make an item back in stock once again just repeat the steps above but select 'In Stock' for the location.
An item that is 'Inactive' is no longer in stock. Inactive items do not show on stock reports or on stocktakes. However, an item that is inactive can still be changed to be back in stock. The inactive feature in Swim is very important as you don't want these items appearing on your stock holding, but you do sometimes need the flexibility to adjust if you find the item later on.
You can create your own locations and set the location to 'not considered in stock'. You do this through utilities, lists, location. When entering the new location ensure 'in stock' is unticked.
Quantity stock does not use the location field. The above only applies to unique stock. To take quantity stock items out of stock you need to reduce the stock qty to zero.