This feature converts quantity stock to unique  stock.

This feature can be used for any items that are currently showing as quantity stock items that you want to convert into unique stock items. This could be because you accidentally created the item as a quantity stock item or that the supplier has changed the item. You can also do exactly the same process for converting unique stock items to quantity stock items.

The following steps will show you how to convert from quantity to unique stock.


1, Find th stock item and select view

2. On the details page click the 'Form Type' option in the bottom right hand panel.

3. On this page, change the form type drop-down to the desired unique form type (General, Ring or Watch).

4. Click save and your quantity stock item will be converted to a unique stock item.

- Thee quantity item will be converted to one unique stock item (i.e a quantity on hand of one)
- You can follow the same process for converting unique stock to quantity stock, just change the form type from General/Ring/Watch to Quantity Stock.
- If you convert a quantity stock item with a QoH higher than 1, Swim will only convert a single unique quantity. The rest of the quantities will be removed.
- You will not be able to convert quantity items that have previously been sold, regardless of the quantity on hand.
- Converting items will update the prefix of the item, so be aware that you will need to update the barcode and all future searches will need to be with the new stock number.
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