The reason for the difference of figures in the reports is due to layby sales. The total of the layby is included in the retail management report as soon as the sale is made. This is because although the layby is not complete, it is still considered a sale.

However, the Tax report (cash system) will only include the total of the payments made on that layby, and the Tax report (accrual system) will not include any amounts from the layby. This is because Tax reports are used to calculate tax. If you are using a cash system, you are only required to pay tax on the payments you have received, and therefore only the total of the payments is included in the Tax report (cash system). If you are using the accrual system, you are only required to pay tax once the sale is completed, and therefore no extra amount is included as the sale is not yet complete.

The reason the reports are calculated in this fashion, is to prevent you from paying unnecessary tax. If you would like to know your sales figures, you should use the retail management report. If you are reporting income from tax purposes, you should use the Tax reports. If you require further clarification on this issue, please contact the help desk for more information.

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