Electronically Import Customers, Suppliers, Sales and Stock from File

You can enter stock, suppliers and customers from file into Swim at any time.

The 'import' area is located in Utilities, System, Import.

File Format: See the file formats below for customers, suppliers and stock
Important: Ensure your data is exactly as you want before the import.
Very Important: Please ensure you have set up you default tax value in utilities, locale settings, before importing stock
Note for MAC Users:
On a Mac when saving the CSV file select the special format of ‘Windows Comma Separated”.

Instructions for Importing the Data

  1. To import, go to Utilities, System, Import
  2. Click in the dotted box that says 'click or drag and drop a file here to upload'
  3. Select the type of file you are uploading
  4. From the drop down list select the type of file (customers, suppliers or stock) and click import data
  5. The file will then upload. This may take a while if it is a large file
  6. If there are any errors or warnings, click to view. You can correct these by clicking 'cancel' and then editing your csv file before continuing
  7. When you are happy with the data, click save
  8. The file will then be uploaded
  9. Click on the results to view the uploaded data

Save your file as a CSV (comma separated file) with the column headings as shown.
Ensure the column headings are exactly as shown.


First Name, Last Name, Company, Is Active, Street, Suburb, City, State, Country,  Postcode, Email, Mobile Number, Home Number, Work Number, Fax Number, Birth Date, Wedding Date, Gender, Spouse First Name, Spouse Last Name, Spouse Birth Date, Spouse Email, Spouse Mobile Number, Comments

Important: Ensure the column headings are exactly as shown above. Ensuring the case is identical.
For the  'Is Active' column the acceptable values are 't' for true and 'f' for false.  You would only use 'f' for false for customers who you do not want to sell to (eg passed away, moved address)

Ready made Customer CSV template can be downloaded from here.


Name, Street, Suburb, City, State, Country, Postcode, Email, Mobile Number, Phone Number, Fax Number, Website

Important: Ensure the column headings are exactly as shown above. Ensuring the case is identical.


Supplier, Supplier Code, Description, Cost Price, Retail Price, Qty, Department, Category, Metal Type, Comments, Barcode, Picture, Tax Setup, Serial Number, Title, Collection, Web Price, Colour, Clarity, Cut, Polish, Symmetry, Fluorescence, Tags

Important: Ensure the column headings are exactly as shown above.

  • The Supplier code is the suppliers model or stock number. This field is compulsory and should be unique to each form type, with the Quantity form type having unique supplier codes on a per item basis. The maximum length of this field is 50 characters
  • The Description is the description of the item. This field is compulsory.
  • The Cost Price and Retail Price must be numeric and must contain a value. They cannot be null or zero.
  • The Qty is the number of pieces for that item that you are entering.
  • Metal Type, Comments, Barcode and Picture are optional.
  • The Barcode is the suppliers barcode. This can be used throughout Swim to sell, find or enter the stock item. You can also use this field to enter your existing stock numbers or barcode numbers, if you are coming from an existing system.
  • The alternative to using barcode is to use the 'Serial Number' column. The Serial Number column allows you to save preexisting stock numbers, rather than the suppliers barcode. So if you are bringing across stock numbers from another system, it is better to put these in the Serial Number rather than the Barcode field.
  • The Picture is the file name of the picture. It is in the format of 'name.jpg'.
  • The Tax is the tax value to be assigned. If blank the default tax will be used.
  • The Tags field can accept multiple values that are comma separated.


Suggestion: Test your file first by just importing  one or two rows. You can also test your file in the Swim training system first, rather than your live system. Example stock template CSV files for each form type can be obtained by contacting Swim support.


Before importing stock, please ensure you understand the difference between quantity stock and unique stock items.

When importing stock, if the quantity on hand in the import file is '1', the item will be entered into Swim as a 'unique' stock item.  If the quantity is greater than one the item will be entered as a quantity stock item.  If you do not want an item to be a quantity stock item, ensure that the import file has only a quantity of one.  If on the other hand you have an item that you want to be quantity stock, you can force it to be by making the quantity in the import file greater than one, or if the item does import with a quantity of one and becomes a unique stock item, you can open the stock item, select 'change form type' and select 'qty stock' to change the item to be a quantity stock item.

All unique items will import as form type 'general'. You can change the form type of the item by opening the item in the find stock page, selecting change form type on the right and selecting your desired form type.

If you are coming from an existing system, and do not wish to re-tag all your stock, ensure you enter your existing stock number or barcode number in the barcode field.

If you are wanting to bulk import your images to Swim please ensure the images column contains the image file name, the file names must be entered before stock is imported as without doing so will require you to manual upload each image.

If you are importing your stock into Swim and then wanting to print stock tickets/tags for all your stock, one suggestion we have is after the import, make all the stock inactive or zero quantity on hand, and then as you ticket the items, change the location to 'in stock' so the item is back in stock. This way you will know which items you have tagged, and your stock holding will be exact.  To make all stock inactive or zero quantity on hand, open a stocktake and select 'view missing stock'. The click search to bring up all stock and select to make inactive. Click on the missing quantity stock and also make all the stock zero quantity on hand.


It is possible to import your sales history. This is a paid feature and the import is performed by the Swim team. For further details and example files, please email support@onswim.com


    • If you receive the message 'value not numeric' it means there is a value in the cost or retail price field that is not a numeric value. Check these columns and also check you have no comma's as part of the item description, that is separating the description across multiple columns
      If you receive the message 'missing import' or 'missing import file' it means the file is not in the expected format.  Check that your column headings are exactly as above and that they are across one row and not broken over two rows. Also check you don't have quotations around the text field, particularly the item description field, so that any special characters, commas or paragraph makers are not upsetting the formatting of the file.  Also ensure that all columns are present. For example, if you do not use the metal type field, you still need to include the column and just leave the content of the column blank, with the column heading at the top.


In a Swim multi-store environment, all stock whether imported or entered through an invoice or assemble page is entered at headoffice and then transferred to the desired store.
To set up a multistore in Swim, you first start by signing up each store. At this stage, each store is an individual store. If you have unique stock items, we recommend importing the 'unique' stock data only into each store, while that store is a single store. Once all the unique stock number data is loaded at it's corresponding store, we can then 'sync' all the stores together to be a multi-store, which then also syncs all the data. When the stores are synced, we then recommend that you import all the quantity stock data into headoffice, and then transfer the quantity stock to the stores. The reason for this is to insure that the quantity stock items receive the same Swim stock number, and there are no duplicates.

If you already have a Swim multi-store environment and want to import unique stock, you can. It will import into headoffice and then you need to transfer the stock to the appropriate store.

Sales and Customers can be imported at any time, into their respective stores.

The Swim support team are here to help you with the setup and importing of data into your  multi-store. We are also happy to set up a test environment for multi-stores so you can first perform your imports as tests, without affecting your live systems.