The Marketing Prompt allows you to set fields from a customer profile to be displayed when you...
Overview: Quick Sales, also known as Cash Sales, can be disabled on a per-user basis in Onswim....
The guide below is a step by step walkthrough of how to process stock that is being sent out on...
This article will explain how to use the Tyro integration to handle your eftpos/credit card...
Add an item to the sale Add an stock item to the sale: If the item is from stock, type or...
Before you continue, make sure you understand the difference between normal stock items and...
You can make a single or multiple payments on a sale. You can do this when you are in a sale:...
There are a number of different ways to add or edit the job description for an item on a sale....
You can make the entire sale tax freeĀ or just select individual items that do not attract tax....
Once a Customer Loyalty program has been established and a customer has been assigned to a...
If the sale is a deposit sale or a sale made recently that has not been posted (through post end...
To Transfer / Change the customer on a sale just follow the steps below: Click on 'Sales...
To change a non stock item into a Unique Stock item follow the steps below: Click on 'Sales...
In SWIM, it is possible to represent where a trade-in/buyback has been performed. For example, if...
Note: It is important to fix any mistakes on a sale before the 'post end of day' is finalised. If...
Finding a Payment You can find a sale through the sales menu Steps Click on 'Sales Menu' and...
Overview: Changing the sales assistant associated with a sale in Swim is a straightforward...