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Getting started with Clicksend & Swim
Utilising the Swim and Clicksend integration requires a dedicated Clicksend account. The steps below should be followed before you begin using the...
Views: 1163 -
Configuring Swim to use a Clicksend number
A sender ID is the name or number displayed to the recipient of a message delivered via Swim. There are four sender ID types available in Swim,...
Views: 544 -
Messaging individual customers
How to message a customer via the Customer Details page Navigate to Customers > Find Customer Search for the customer you wish to message...
Views: 324 -
Sending job complete messages
Customers can be messaged when a job is completed directly from within a sale. How to send a job complete SMS Navigate to Sales > Find...
Views: 325 -
Creating message templates for use in Swim
Message templates are a great way to save time by avoiding the need of typing out the same message each time you wish to send a message. It is...
Views: 318 -
Configuring post end of day notifications
Swim can send post end of day notifications to your mobile allowing users to receive information such as your daily takings, number of sales for...
Views: 311 -
How to create, schedule and send a bulk marketing campaign
Bulk marketing campaigns can be sent via Swim and scheduled to follow your marketing plan. The guide below will walk you through how to create,...
Views: 325 -
How to automatically handle customer opt-out requests
Swim by default will process all opt-out requests received and ensure the customer requesting to opt-out of marketing communications has their...
Views: 315 -
Creating inbound messaging rules
Inbound rules allows Swim to complete certain automated actions based on how customers reply to your messages. A basic example of an inbound rule...
Views: 330 -
Sending SMS sale receipts
SMS sales receipts can be provided to your customers and offer a unique website link that hosts a PDF receipt that you would usually print in...
Views: 362 -
Creating a customer contact list
Contact lists are self managed marketing lists that can be used when sending bulk marketing messages. How to create a contact list: Navigate to...
Views: 370 -
Sending SMS to the USA
Why can't I send to the USA? With recent changes in the US, all messages sent to US numbers will require to be sent on a registered TFN before...
Views: 560