To refund an existing sale, follow the steps below:

    1. Navigate to Sales > Find Sale and view the sale you wish to refund.
    2. Click on Refund Sale at the bottom of the sales screen. This will create a Refund sale.
    3. Select the item or items you wish to refund.
      Note: By defaults all items are highlighted blue and this indicates each item highlighted on the sale will be refunded. If all items are not being refunded, just ensure the items highlighted are the ones being returned. You can click on an item to highlight and un-highlight.
    4. Optional: Enter Cancellation or Restocking Fee (optional). To do this click on the reason for the cancellation fee and select and option from the drop down list. Then in the amount field type in the fee. Click on 'Save'.
    5. Click on the 'payment type field'.
    6. Select the refund payment type. Enter in the amount to be refunded and click Add.

Note: A negative symbol for the payment amount denotes that this is money being refunded. ie, $-25 means that we are giving $25 dollars to the customer


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