Images aren't appearing on my printable documents

If you preview a sales receipt or valuation or any other printable document where an image ususally would appear and find that the image is not showing up, it might be that the image has not yet been transferred from the store it was sent from.

SWIM uses an 'on request' system for it's image transfers. This means that SWIM will only transfer an image as it needs them or is requested to do so. An example is when you view a thumbnail of a stock item for the first time, SWIM will go and grab that image at that time and not before.

For printable documents in SWIM, the largest sized image is used as it has the best quality. In order for the largest image to be transferred across to a store from another store, it will need to be viewed. This can be done by looking up the item in Find Stock, clicking 'view' to pull up the item details page. Here you will see a thumbnail in the top right of the page which when clicked on, brings up the largest sized image. Doing this will transfer the image to your store and allow anything you are printing to have the stock item image appear on the print out.