How to create or edit stock tag templates

How to Create or Edit a Stock Tag Layout

To create a new stock tag layout or modify an existing one, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to 'Manage Stock Tags'

  • Go to UtilitiesPrintingManage Stock Tags.
  • In this section, you can:
    • Create a new tag. (Enter a layout name and description) TIP: A good layout name is the brand of tag you are using and the description could be the model or design number of the tag.
    • Copy an existing tag (a useful option to create a new tag using an existing one as a template while keeping the old tag intact).
    • Edit an existing tag by selecting Edit on the right of the tag name.

2. Editing and Customising a Tag

In the editing window, you’ll have access to several tools for designing your tag.

Adding Tag Elements

From the top-left options area, you can add various elements to your tag, such as:

  • Barcode
  • Price
  • Stock number
  • Line 1, Line 2, Line 3 (custom text fields for extra information)

Matching Tag Dimensions

  1. Select Properties to set the dimensions of your physical stock tags printable area. Note: Note if you are using a Swim supplied stock tag design this step is not required.
  2. Ensure the measurements are entered in millimetres.
  3. Click OK to save the dimensions and continue customising the tag.

Positioning and Managing Elements

  • Move fields by clicking and dragging them into position.
  • Delete unnecessary fields by selecting the field and pressing the Delete key.
  • Use Preview to see how the tag will look when printed.

Tip: The layout may require some trial and error depending on the type of printer you’re using. Text size and position is controlled on the template in Swim, however this factors can be adjusted by PDF viewers and printer settings. Most commonly seen alignment issues are a result of incorrectly configured printer or PDF viewer settings. 

Saving Your Work

Once satisfied with the design, click Save at the top-right corner.

Important: If you exit without saving, all changes will be lost.

3. Setting the Default Tag

  1. After saving, click Manage at the bottom of the screen to return to the Manage Stock Tags section.
  2. Select Set Default next to the new tag to apply it as the default layout.

4. Customising Line 1, Line 2, and Line 3

These lines can be configured when editing the item’s details. For example, if you're adding a stock item from an invoice, you can update the following lines:

  • Line 1: Typically used by a descriptive stock field.
  • Line 2: Usually used for the Supplier Code
  • Line 3: Commonly used by a descriptive stock field or Comments field offering additional information

To adjust the content of these lines, navigate to Stock MenuStock Sub MenuStock Tag Defaults.

5. Using Cost Price Coding

Many clients use Line 3 to print a cost price code—allowing sales staff to view the item’s cost price without revealing it to the customer. This is done through a feature called Cost Price Coding.

Setting up Cost Price Coding

  1. Go to Stock MenuStock Sub MenuStock Tag Defaults.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, select Display Cost Price Coding to view or edit the two available coding options.
  3. Once you choose a coding option, assign it to one of the lines by selecting Cost Price Code from the dropdown list for that line.

This guide should help you successfully create, edit, and customise stock tags. Ensure you save changes at every step to avoid losing your work.