Start by finding the sale and selecting 'refund'. Next, click on any items you do not want to refund. When finished the 'highlighted' items on the sale should be the ones you want to refund. When you have only these items highlighted, select the payment type and add the refund payment.
Note: For quantity stock items, you must refund the entire quantity on the sale. For example if you added a quantity stock item with quantity of 4, you cannot split those up, you can only refund all 4. If you do not wish to refund all, the procedure is to first refund the item with it's entire quantity, and then add a new sale with that item, for the quantity that is not being refunded.
Note: For Layby Sales with a balance owing (i.e are not fully paid), all items on the sale must be refunded. Layby sales with balances owing cannot be partially refunded. For these layby's, select to refund the entire sale, with the payment type as customer credit. Then create a new layby sale, add the items the customer is purchasing and the add a payment with the available customer credit.