You can pay many account sales at once.  To do this, go to the sales menu, manage account.

Search for the customer and select 'manage clients account'
Select 'make bulk payments'
Highlight by clicking on the sales that the customer is paying. If all sales are being paid click 'select all'
The total of the highlighted sales is shown.
Enter the payment amount and payment type. Please ensure these are correct before continuing as you cannot edit account sale bulk payments once made
Click make  payment
-if you use a different charge account customer, when making the payment search for the charge customer, not the shipping customer 
- After making the payment you can print a statement for the customer by selecting 'account statement' You can also print otherreports and the second type of acount client statement by select account reports.
- You can open individual account sales (through find sale or one the manage account sale screen on the outstanding sales tab or finalised sales tab) and select print receipt. This will show any payment for that sale only
- If you select sales that come to a higher total than the payment being made, Swim will start at the first sale selected and continuue through the sales until the payment is used. This may leave a sale partly paid. Any part paid sales will remain in the list for the balance to be paid. 
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