If you are selling to a customer who is part of a buying group or multi-store you may need to select a different charge account/adress to the shipping/customer address.

To do this, first you need to ensure the details of he charge account are already in Swim. Go to find customer on the customer menu and search for the charge customer. If they do not exist,   add them as a new customer, entering their address and name details. (Note it is recommended to put company names in the 'firstname' field and a fullstop in the last name field when entering any company. With this consistency you will always find the company using the first name field)
Once you have the charge customer in Swim, make a 'new sale' selecting the customer you are shipping to. Then select 'account sale'.
Once in the sale, add the items being purchased.
Next, click 'manage account'.
Select account options and next to 'charge account' select 'change customer'.
Search for the customer you want to bill to. Then click on them in the customer in the search results to select them.
Click save changes
Print the receipt and exit the sale
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