To redeem a gift voucher that was created in Swim, follow the steps below:
- Create a new sale under the customer who is redeeming the voucher. This customer may need to be added in as a new customer, if they have not purchased from you before. Refer to the knowledgebase article: 03. How to perform a sale in Swim
Enter onto the sale the items the customer is purchasing. Note: The sale total does not need to match the gift voucher total. - In the payment amount field enter in the entire amount of the voucher, select the payment type of 'Gift Voucher' and then click add.
A popup window will appear showing active gift vouchers for that amount, showing the names of the recipients for each voucher. Select the correct gift voucher from the list (this will then mark that voucher as redeemed). - Click add payment.
- Add in any remaining payments (if needed)
- Select to print the receipt
- Exit the sale
- Notes
If the gift voucher amount is less than the sale total, enter in additional payment/s for the remaining balance. - If the gift voucher amount is more than the sale total, the difference will be issued to the customer as a customer credit automatically. This credit can then be used on future sales for this customer.
Special Note: you cannot redeem gift vouchers on 'cash sales'. A customer name must be selected on the sale in order to redeem a gift voucher.