Setup of Loyalty Program
To set up a Loyalty Program just follow the steps below:
- Go to Utilities.
- Click on Customer and then Loyalty Programs.
- Add in the name of the program and then the dollar spend needed to earn 1 point.
Example: If a customer earns 1 point for every $25 spent, enter 25. - Customers can then be added to this loyalty program and earn points by making sales. They can then use these points to make purchases in the same manner as customer credit is used, so long as Loyalty Points is selected as the payment type when making the sale.
- Once the program has been setup, you need to add a customer to the program you have just created.
Adding Customers to the Loyalty Program
To add a customer to a loyalty program just follow the steps below:
- Go to Customer Menu.
- Click on Find Customer and search for the customer and select Edit/View.
- Click Edit Details. Under Loyalty Program, select the program from the dropdown list.
- In the Initial Points Balance screen enter the opening points balance (this can be left as zero).
Note: These points and any extra points that the customer accumulates through additional sales can then be used to make purchases in the same manner as customer credit, so long as Loyalty Points is selected as the payment type from the dropdown list when making a sale. One loyalty point equals one dollar. - Once a Customer Loyalty program has been established, and a customer has been assigned to a program, points can then be awarded to the customer whenever they purchase items. These points can then be redeemed for items they purchase.
Entering a Sale that Earns Loyalty Points
To make a sale that will contribute to the loyalty program just follow the steps below:
- Make a sale to the customer as per usual.
- Ensure that the Earn Loyalty Points tickbox on the right of the sales screen is ticked during the sale.
Note: On the top right of the sales screen where the customers name and address is shown there is a field marked Loyalty Points which displays how many points the customer currently has. - Finish the sale as per normal.
Redeeming/Using Loyalty Points
To use / redeem Loyalty Points just follow the steps below:
- Make a sale to the customer as per usual.
- Do not tick the loyalty points checkbox, as you do not want the customer to earn points on this sale.
- In the payment area, enter the payment (amount of points being used) and select Loyalty Points as the payment type from the dropdown list.
- Click Add to add the payment.
Sending Our Loyalty Point Statements
Go to reports menu, customer reports and select CR022 Loyalty Statement. You can then select print or preview