On the post end of day screen select tally cash drawer.
If this is the first time you have used this area, click on change opening float and enter the float that was in the drawer at the beginning of the day. Save the float
Next, enter the number next to each denomination. For example if you have seven $50 notes, next to $50 enter 7. Leave a zero next to any notes/coins you do not have. There may be some values listed on the that your currency does not have. Just leave these as zero.
If, when counting you included the float, tick the box 'include float'
Click 'change closing float'. Enter the closing float ans click save (this is the amount you are leaving in the drawer for tomorrow).
Check all denominations are entered and click save.
Click back to post end of day screen
The tally will then appear in the cash 'actual' total
Note: The expected cash total is comprised of all payments made by cash plus opening float, less closing float and any payments made from cash drawer.
The closing cash drawer float entered is then the opening float for the next day
To view a video tutorial on the Post End of Day procedure in Swim, click here.