Images can be added to stock at any time by viewing the stock item's details through the Stock Menu and clicking on 'Pictures' on the right side of the screen. To add a picture, select browse and search for the picture. Once selected, click OK and then select send image to database.

You may add as many images as you like to a stock item, but one item must be selected as the main image. This is the image you will see on receipts and in the stock menu when searching for stock.

Note: Stock images will only appear on receipts if the system is set up to do so. The sales receipts that show pictures are any of the options that do not say docket. Docket receipts cannot display pictures. To select the type of receipt, go to Utilities / Manage Printable Documents.

Note: An error can occur if there are special characters (such as #, $, %, & and _) in the picture filename or path. Make sure to remove any of these before trying to add a picture. If this doesn't work, try opening the picture in an image editing program, and selecting Save As... to save the picture again, in the event that the original had been corrupted. 
Please also note that the filename of the image cannot exceed 70 characters. 

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