How to perform the post end of day procedure

End Of Day Procedure:

The POST end of day (peod) procedure is a way of checking that all sales and payments entered into Swim, match your actual takings (the cash and  electronic payments made).

The PEOD needs to be performed each day. The reason for this is that no data will show on the sales reports until after the posting has been finalised.

The PEOD is an easy process and is best performed as you close the store for the day.


Locating PEOD (Post End Of Day):
Click 'Sales Menu.'
2. Click 'Post End of Day.'

Checking Balances

The PEOD opens on the 'closing totals' tab. It shows each payment type used, since the last post. The 'expected total' is the total of payments. The actual total is the total that you enter.

For each payment type, enter the total that you have. For cash you can manually count and enter the value, or you can use the tally cash drawer function. For electronic payments use the total on your merchant end of day printout.

If all the expected totals and actual totals match, the grand totals will be highlighted green. This means you can now post. Click on the 'post' button. 

If the grand totals are in red, there is a discrepancy. It is best to fix the discrepancy before continuing.

Finding the discrepancies:
Check each of the 'actual' totals to make sure there is not a typing error. Recheck you cash total.

If the error cannot be found see which payment type/s are unbalanced and then click on the 'summary' tab. Click on the payment type to then view a list of all sales made with that type. A common mistake is that a payment was entered with the wrong payment type. Using the list you can edit the payment type to be the correct type. You can also open and view/edit the sale by clicking the job number.

When looking for discrepancies check that all payments have been entered. Sometimes a sale is entered and the payment forgotten You can use the 'find sale screen' and select today's date to narrow the search. Click on the balance column to sort by balances. Then see if there is a sale with a balance owing that matches your discrepancy amount.

Another common mistake is putting a sale through twice. You can use the summary tab, the find sale screen and the find payments screen as tools for finding any double ups.

The reports at the bottom of the PEOD screen can also be used to help in finding discrepancies.

Check if any cash has been taken from the cash drawer for expenses/second hand purchases etc. You can check they have been logged in Swim through the cash drawer payments option at the bottom of the PEOD screen

Note: you can go in and out of the post end of day screen. It is not until you click 'post' on this that the transactions are posted.

After you have corrected the dependency and the grand total is highlighted green, you can click post. If you are still on the summary tab you can click on the closing totals tab to see the totals and whether they are balancing.

If you cannot reconcile, you can select 'post'. You will then be prompted to continue. Select to log the discrepancy and add in any comments.


The reports are located at the bottom of the PEOD screen. You can view and print these reports at any time. These reports will change throughout the day, up until the final post.

After the post a page is displayed that shows the list of reports again. Print any of these reports, as needed.
You can go view these reports via Reports Menu > Shop Takings Reports.


Non applicable payment types are all payments that are not banked and do not appear as an immediate income. These will show on your post end of day but will not contribute to your banking/income data. Non applicable payment types include payments such as Customer Credit, Loyalty Points, Gift Vouchers, Promotional Dollars (for give-aways etc); basically any types that you are physically not taking as a payment.

Applicable payment types are your standard income payments. These include payments such as cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard; basically any electronic or physical payment types. These payment types, when posted, are included in your income/expenses data and will reflect in your reports. 

- Daily Balance and Bank Deposit Report: This is a printed out summary of the details of payments and sales made during the specified posting period.
- Shop Takings Reports: This is a list of all the individual payments received, grouped by the payment types, made during this posting period.
- Listing of Items Sold Report: This is a list of the items sold within this posting period, showing which sales the items belong to and other sale related information.
- Shop Takings Snapshot Report: This report will give a short detailed summary of the sales made during this posting period. It will list time periods of sales, new types of sales created for the specified period a sales assistant summary and a payments summary.