The Budgeting Reports in SWIM can be found by going to the Reports Menu > Budget Reports.

Each Report is listed below with an overview of what it is used for:


Sales Plan Report


To use the Sales Plan Report, you just enter in your desired budgeted sales increase as a percentage into the box.

When you preview this report, you will be shown your sales figures for last year in a month by month format along side the figures you are aiming for this year which is a value for last years figures plus the percentage increase you specified.

This report is good for determining what a reasonable projected increase would be before you break things down further.


Sales Person Budget Report

To use the Sales Person Budget Report, you just enter your budgeted sales increase as a percentage into the relevant box.

You then take things a bit further and enter in each individual sales person budgets as a percentage.

Note: Because it is using percentages, the total of all the sales persons percentages must add up to 100% which you can check in the 'total' field at the bottom of the list.

When you preview this report, you will see a list of each Sales Assistant along with the percentages you specified and the sales budget figure. Below this, there will also be a Graph which gives you a graphical representation for the current month of your Budgeted Sales vs Actual Sales for each sales person.


Open to Buy Plan

To use the Open to Buy Plan Report, you just enter in your desired budgeted sales increase as a percentage into the box.

When you preview this report, you will see a break down per department with figures for the following:

Sales Budget, Stock Budget at Retail, Actual Stock on Hand, Initial Open to Buy at Retail, Markup, Open to Buy at Cost.

This report can be used to get an idea of how much stock you currently have in each department and how much you can afford to purchase or need to sell to achieve your budgeted increase with an optimum amount of stock on hand.


Merchandise Plan

To use the Merchandise Plan Report, you just enter in your desired budgeted sales increase as a percentage into the box.

When you preview this report, you will see a break down per department for last year and your current year with figures for the following:

Last Year:

Sales, Stock on Hand, Stock Turn

This Year:

Sales Budget, Stock Budget.


This report can be used to determine your stock spending budget for the year.


Sales (Actual vs Budget)

The other budgeting report can be found under the Reports Menu > Sales Assistant Reports > Sales (Actual vs Budget).


To use the Sales (Actual vs Budget) Report, you just enter in your desired budgeted sales increase as a percentage into the box.

You can then also select the desired Sales Assistant from the drop down list and enter the desired percentage increase.


When you preview this report, you will see the selected Sales Assistant's Month to Date actual sales vs the budgeted sales.

Below this, there will also be a Graph which gives you a graphical representation for the selected Month to Date figures for that user.



Helpful Hint:

You can set your sales percentage increase and sales person percentage breakdown in Utilities > Budget. That way when you go into the reports, the percentage values will already be entered for you as a default.


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