Before you continue, make sure you understand the difference between normal stock items and quantity stock items.

Quantity stock is entered onto the sale in the same way as unique stock items.

To enter a quantity stock item onto a sale, click into the stock number field and type or scan in the quantity stock number. Press 'tab'.  If selling more than one, change the quantity to the number being sold. The price shown is the price per qty (i.e the price for 1). You can also update the price if needed. Then click  'Add Item'.


You can add Qty items to sales even if they are at a Qty of 0. Swim can put Qty items into a negative quantity which will of course increase when you get more in. So if you have 0 of a Qty item available, you can still add it to the sale and Swim will adjust the Qty into the negatives as appropriate. When you get more of the item in it will increase the Qty as per the amount you receive in.


From here, you simply enter the payments and click on 'Print Sale and Exit' if you require a receipt, or 'Exit Sale' if you do not require a receipt.


Note: If you add a quantity item to a sale and enter the incorrect quantity you can select edit next to the item and then edit the quantity. Select 'save' to save the changes.

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