When you make payments from the cash drawer during the day such as courier expenses or office supplies, you need to register these payments as taken out of the cash drawer so that your totals at the end of day are correct. In order to do so follow the steps below:

  1. Open up the Post End of Day screen by going to 'Sales menu' > 'Post End Of Day'. Click on 'Cash Drawer Payments'.
  2. From here you can select a supplier, expense and amount for the payment, as well as make notes if you wish.
  3. If the supplier is not in the list, go to the 'Supplier menu' > 'New Supplier' to create a new supplier.
  4. If an expense category is not in the list, go to 'Expenses menu'/'GL Accounts Management' to add a new expense.
  5. Once you have finished, click 'Save'. Your payment will be logged, and your expected cash drawer tally will be lowered according to the amount you taken out.

To view a video tutorial on the Post End of Day procedure in Swim, click here.

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