Click on the sale menu, post end of day, then Summary.

The summary shows the payment types and totals for each type.  To view sales under each type, click on the payment type name.

To change a payment type select the correct payment type for that sale from the drop down list.

If the amount entered is incorrect, click on the 'job number' to open the sale and then click 'edit' on the payment and enter the correct amount.

For discrepancies that you cannot find, here's some tips:

Check all your electronic balances to see if they match up. Often an incorrect payment type i.e. Cash instead of Eftpos is entered, putting out your totals (Cash would be over, Eftpos would be under).
  • View the Shop Takings Report. This report is good for comparing payment types. From the Post End Of Day screen click 'Posting Reports' > 'Shop takings'. This report orders sales by payment type. It lists totals, job numbers, dates etc.

To view a video tutorial on the Post End of Day procedure in Swim, click here.

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