You can add an item in a New sale or Quick Sale by simply scanning an RFID tag that is associated to an item being sold. 

First, make sure that the RFID Desktop Scanner is connected in DeviceManager:

1. New Sale
- Navigate to a sale by selecting the Sales tab on the top navigation bar of your SWIM site, then select New Sale
- Select a customer from the New Sale screen
- Select Sales, Repairs, & Valuations to go to the relevent Sales screen
- In the sale screen, scan the RFID tag into the Stock No. field with the Desktop Scanner
-- Resume and finish the sale 

- The item associated with the tag will automatically be populated
- Select Add Item to add the item into the Sale

2. Quick Sale
- Navigate to the Quick Sale from the Home Screen
- In the sale screen, scan the RFID tag into the Stock No. field with the Desktop Scanner
- The item associated with the tag will automatically be populated
- Select Add Item to add the item into the Sale
-- Resume and finish the sale 

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