A stock item can have all the suppliers that were involved in the making of the item i.e. casting, stone, labour etc. We call these components. For each component you can record the supplier, supplier code (the suppliers model number), cost, date, invoice number and quantity (the quantity of the component used). The cost of each component is then added together to get the total cost of the stock item.

When entering stock, a stock item must have at least one supplier and supplier code. For items that have more than one supplier, you will be asked to select the 'main supplier'. This 'main supplier' is for the supplier code listed on the item that defines the style of the item. The 'main supplier' is then used to determine how many of that style of item you have in stock. Select the 'main supplier' based on which component defines the 'style' of the item. For most pieces, this will be the casting.

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