In order for Swim to cater to your exact sales needs, there are a few flexible settings you may need to adjust or activate so that Swim is more appropriate to your sales process.
You can follow these steps to set-up and edit your sales settings as necessary:

1. Edit Layby and Gift Voucher settings
2. Edit Sales Options
3. Edit Gift Voucher Options
4. Edit Default Non Stock Options
5. Edit Refund Options
6. Rounding Options

Editing Layby and Gift Voucher settings
1. Click on 'Utilities'.
2. Click 'Layby & Gift Voucher Settings'.
3. In each field that you want to edit:
3a. Click into the field.
3b. Remove the value in the field.
3c. Type in the new value.
4. Click 'Save'.
5. Click 'Back to Utilities'.

Editing Sales Options
1. Click on 'Utilities'.
2. Click 'Set Sales Options'.
3. Click into the 'Sale Quote Message' field.
4. Type in the message that you want shown at the bottom of quotes.
Click into the 'POS Receipt Docket Thankyou Message'.
Type in the message that you want shown at the bottom of receipts.
Click into the 'Layby Terms'.
Type in the message that you want shown at the bottom of laybys.
Click 'Save Sales Options'.
Click 'Back to Utilities'.

Editing Gift Voucher Options
1. Click on 'Utilities'.
2. Click 'Set Gift Voucher Options'.
3. Select the supplier and supplier code to be associated with the gift voucher.
4. Click into the 'terms and conditions' field and type in the terms of the gift voucher.
5. Select an 'Authorized by' option.
6. Click 'Save Sales Messages'.
7. Click 'Back to Utilities'.

Editing Default Non Stock Options
1. Click on 'Utilities'.
2. Click 'Set Default Non Stock Options'.
3. For each field select the default value to be allocated to a non stock item.
4. Click 'Save'.
5. Click 'Back to Utilities'.

Editing Refund Options
1. Click on 'Utilities'.
2. Click 'Set Refund Options'.
3. For each field select the default value to be allocated to refunds.
4. Click 'Save Refund Settings'.
5. Click 'Back to Utilities'.

Rounding Options
1. Click 'Utilities'.
2. Click 'Rounding Options'.
3. If you want sale prices rounded after a discount has been applied, select the value
you would like to round to.
4. If you do not want sale prices rounded, select 'Off'.
5. Click 'Save'.
6. Click 'Back to Utilities'.

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