Entering stock in a Multi-store environment uses the same process as stores that are not set up in a multi-store environment. The only difference is the option to specify which store you wish the stock to be entered at.


1. Entering all stock at Head Office and using Transfer Stock to send the items which you wish to be at other stores to their stores.
2. Using 'More Details' to allocate stock to your other stores.

1. Entering all stock at Head Office and using Transfer Stock to send the items which you wish to be at other stores to their stores.
1.1. Add in your invoice as you normally would. (see Adding Stock from Invoice article).

1.2. Transfer the desired stock pieces to desired store. (see Transferring Stock/ Receiving Stock article).

2. Using 'More Details' to allocate stock to your other stores.

2.1. Add in your invoice as you normallly would.  (see Adding Stock from Invoice) but you must have the 'More Details' checkbox     ticked when you click 'Add'.

2.2. When you click the 'Add' button with 'More Details' checked and you are taken to the 'More Details' page, at the top of the page is the "Stock Distribution" box.

2.3. Here the quantity of the stock peice you specified prior to clicking 'Add' can be divided up between your stores as desired by putting the quantity you     would like at each store into their corresponding store's box.

2.4. Click 'Save to Stock'

2.5. To receive these stock items at other stores, you can go to the 'Stock Menu' > 'Receive Stock' and follow the process described in the Transferring/Receiving Stock article.


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